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Introduction  :::  7 Keys to Success  :::  Conclusion 

5 Steps to Glory and Dominion - KLN Bible Study Course

Technique 3: 
5 Steps to Glory and Dominion


Step 1
God Only Deals with Human Beings through Covenants
2nd Chronicles 6:14
A Biblical Covenant is a legally binding Contract between God and a person or group of people consisting of 7 specific
elements outlining exactly how they are to relate to each other.
Every Covenant has specific principles governing that particular agreement between God and His people.
Through the first Covenant God made with Adam and Eve human beings were crowned with glory and given dominion - 
Genesis 1:26-28; Psalms 8:3-6 - (New American Standard Bible)

Dominion - Is the delegated authority and ability to rule God's creation.

Glory - Is the reflection of God's holiness, majesty and integrity - It manifests as the radiance of the inner spirit and 
perceived on the outside as a spiritual glow not seen with the eyes but discerned with the heart.

To be crowned with glory means to be saturated so that the entire body reflected the glory of God, not just the head.

So mankind's original condition was to radiate the glory of God and rule all creation.

Step 2
We Lost Our Glory and Dominion when Adam Rebelled Against God's Authority
Romans 3:23

Adam disobeyed God's only command by eating from the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Genesis 3:9-12

God's only command formed the entire constitution of His Kingdom on Earth.

When Adam disobeyed that command he committed high treason by rebelling against the Constitution of God's Kingdom.

The penalty for treason is death. That's why Adam and all his descendants experience physical and spiritual death. Romans 5:12

Spiritual death is the separation between your spirit and God's Spirit.
Step 3
To Restore Our Glory and Dominion God Needed
A Perfect Man to Take Adam's Place
1st Corinthians 15:21-22
To effectively represent the Human Race this new representative had to be exactly like Adam when he was originally created; 
perfectly sinless and submitted to God's authority.

He had to be sinless to accurately reflect God's glory and He had to submit to God's authority even to the point of death in order 
to undo what the first Adam did by his rebellion. 

God could not find such a man because no such man existed. Romans 3:10

God's only solution was to become that man so He took on flesh and blood and was born as a human being. John 1:1 & 14
Step 4
This New Human Champion is called the Last Adam
Because He Replaced the First Adam
1st Corinthians 15:45 & 47

The last Adam had to give His life to undo what the first Adam did. Romans 5:8

The first Adam's disobedience brought death to the entire Human Race but the last Adam's obedience brought life to the entire 
Human Race. Romans 5:17-19

He died to pay for the sins of humanity and He resurrected Himself from the dead to prove that He is worthy to represent both God 
and Man as the new Ruler of the physical universe. John 10:17-18; Romans 1:3-4
Step 5
Anyone Can Regain Glory and Dominion by Entering the
New Covenant with Jesus Christ - The Last Adam
John 6:37-39

God used His prophet, Jeremiah to announce that He would establish this new covenant with mankind. Jeremiah 31:31-33

This New Covenant is unconditional and guaranteed by God to provide a permanent solution to the human Sin condition. 
Ezekiel 36:26-27

We enter into this New Covenant by faith, which means to believe and trust in God's wisdom and power to save us, not by works,
which means believing and trusting in our own wsdom and power to save us.Titus 3:5; Galatians 2:16

You enter this new covenant by faith when you become born again. You become Born Again by repenting and believing the Gospel.
John 3:3 & 7; Acts 3:19; Mark 1:14-15
Repenting means rejecting your own ideas about salvation and fully accepting God's truth about salvation.
There can be no mixture - You must 100% abandon whatever you were holding on to for spiritual safety and
100% depend on Jesus Christ to save you and keep you saved.

Believing the Gospel means believing that Jesus Christ died in your place to pay for your sins, was buried and went to hell as 
judgement for your sins, but was resurrected from the dead in victory because He had no sin of His own. 

When He rose from the dead He imparted His righteousness to you so you can have a perfect relationship with God the 
Father and once more enjoy glory and dominion.
This New Covenant relationship is a certainty and guaranteed by God. 1 John 5:11-12
Once you are saved you will be kept by the power of God and will not have to rely on your own ability. 1 Peter 1:3-5

When you enter this new covenant relationship with Jesus Christ it is permanent and you can never lose it. John 10:27-29
Glory & Dominion
As Jesus is So Are You in this World
1 John 4:17
Glory is a Divine Crown - It is the spiritual light which surrounds you as a Child of the King.
As a Born Again Christian the glory of God shines from within you because God the Holy Spirit lives inside you.
It is this spiritual light which others perceive and draws them to you so you can share Eternal Life with them.
Dominion is Governmental Power - It is the authority and ability God gves you to build His Kingdom on Earth.
As a Born Again Christian you have authority over demonic spirits to bind them and cast them out of people and
forbid them from operating in the earth.
You have authority to speak things into existence and shape your world based on the Word of God.

Suggested In-Class Exercise: Have your students divide into pairs and use these techniques to share
the gospel with each other to become more familiar with the scriptures and comfortable with the process.
Suggested At-Home Exercise: Have each of your students memorize the bible verses and practice using
these techniques to share the gospel with other trusted Christian friends or family members.


Introduction  :::  7 Keys to Success  :::  Conclusion